East Coast startups

Bijan Sabet has some interesting comments on East Coast startups.

I co-founded a company here in the Boston area in the spring of 2003. By the fall of 2003, it was pretty clear to all of us that fund-raising in the Boston area was getting nowhere, so we made the decision to move the company to the West Coast. I remainded in Boston, commuting to the West Coast on a monthly basis.

What I have observed since is quite interesting. On the West Coast, the market started to pick up in late 2004, and by 2005 it was getting hard to recruit good developers. In the Boston area, things were a little slower, only starting to pick up in late 2006, and now this is what would be termed a frothy market.

There is no telling how long this will last, but as Bijan rightly points out, there is no lack of networking events going on around startups, with the Web Innovators Group meeting last night pulling in a record crowd.

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